Task Unification

What is Task Unification?

In Task Unification, we assign a new and additional task to an existing resource. Using Task Unification is an effective way to overcome Functional Fixedness. Cultures that are poor in resources tend to adopt the Task Unification mindset. For
example, the Bedouins use the camel for transportation, currency, milk, material for tents, shade, protection from the wind, and fuel (feces). More affluent societies often tend to be less conscious of opportunities for Task Unification.

Example: The Walkman

Imagine how thrilled (and proud) the engineer of the Walkman was after he was the first to think of using the Walkman’s earphone cord as an antenna. These feelings stemmed not only from the fact that the new product is smaller, less awkward and cheaper, they were probably due also to the technological (almost philosophical) triumph achieved by using an existing component of the product to successfully carry out the function of another component which could then be discarded.