Marketing Communications take place every time you interact with someone to which you are trying to “sell”. Whether you want them to consider buying your product, buying into your idea, or if you simply want to grab their attention, MarCom is at play.
SIT’s Marketing Communications (MarCom) projects consider the multiple touchpoints that you have with your audience. Some specific focal points for refresh marketing projects include product launch campaigns, promotions, internal communication, digital MarCom, product packaging design, point-of-sale ideas, concepts for conferences, tradeshow exhibitions, pitching your ideas internally, and delivering presentations to potential and existing clients.
Some results you can expect from a MarCom refresh project:

A well-defined integrated communication strategy

New insights into your product/brand/idea/service and the value it may bring to various target audiences.

Exposure to a broad spectrum of the SIT method through a focused, result-oriented activity. Because MarCom activities cover such a wide range, these projects usually involve an integrated mix of tools from the entire SIT Map: NPD, creative advertising, strategy & positioning, digital innovation, evaluating creative communication, facilitation skills, and project management.
Every SIT MarCom refresh marketing project works on four essential aspects of your communication strategy:
With whom do you communicate?
Creatively define your target audience and extract valuable consumer insights
What you say
Map out what could be communicated about your product/brand/idea/service and a message strategy
How to say it
Understand how to communicate the message. It’s not enough to develop “new promises,” you must also know how to translate them into effective communications, which means making the touchpoint interaction interesting and appealing enough to be remembered and desired
Getting the credit
Make sure that the audience remembers that it is you and your brand that they heard about (and not, for instance, a similar product by your competitor). Focus on differentiation: packaging and product design as well as advertising copy and visuals.