Посты с тэгом: museum innovation

The LAB: Innovating a Museum with S.I.T. (June 2012)

Published date: June 25, 2012 в 3:00 am

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According the Center for the Future of Museums, many non-profit museums in this country are struggling from a broken economic model.  Attendance and memberships are declining as consumers are given more choices of how to spend their time.  To attract more, museums need to have good storytelling, stagecraft, showmanship, great imagery, and great sound.  They need to tap deep passions and emotions to create “product” that is meaningful to audiences.  Otherwise, many museums will shut down.

For this month’s LAB, let’s apply the innovation method, S.I.T, to a museum.  Students from my Innovation Tools course at the University of Cincinnati created new concepts for a local museum, the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center.  The students portrayed the concepts in a Dream Catalog as a way to visually tell the story. You can download the entire catalog here.

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