Посты с тэгом: University of Deusto

Academic Focus: Universidad Deusto – Master in Business Innovation

Published date: March 25, 2013 в 3:00 am

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The University of Deusto business school is offering a masters degree in business innovation (MBI) that I believe serves as an excellent role model for other schools. It is unique because it focuses on three foundations:

  1. The Approach to Observation: Business Innovation needs deep strategic analysis (Observation) to understand the external environment at all levels (Macro, industry, micro, innovation systems), the internal situation of the company (resources, skills, potential and value) and foresight, road mapping and scenario analysis to forecast market threats and opportunities.
  2. The Approach to Creation:  Together with the use of traditional strategic options to maintain and develop the company (internationalisation, acquisitions etc.), we propose developing specific solutions to solve problems, attain opportunities and challenges by developing an open environment, using design thinking methodologies and nurturing an intra/entrepreneurial spirit.
  3. The Approach to Execution: To successfully implement business innovation, managers and leaders need to achieve high levels of employee engagement among their workforce, foster a learning organisation where people can develop their skills with a passion for their contribution to the goals of the company. Orchestrating the different departments and functions is also fundamental to keep them aligned with corporate strategy and finally, managing innovation by constantly adjusting all the drivers that create an innovative organisation will lead to sustainable competitiveness.

The program is designed for a wide range of backgrounds including managers in strategic roles, entrepreneurs, consultants, and public sector employees.  The goals of the program are:

  • Promote the search for new business opportunities
  • Improve the development, implementation and commercialization of strategic ideas
  • Create a culture that fosters innovation and entrepreneurship within organizations
  • Facilitate the integration of I+D+i activities and production/final service activities
  • Innovation in Practice through the Applied Innovation Project
  • Develop yourself as a leader to transform the organisation´s ability to innovate

For more information about the seven modules of training as well as a downloadable brochure, visit the Info and Admissions section.

Deusto Business School is located in the Basque region of Spain.  The University has international ties with 60 different countries and each year attracts over 700 students from around the world. Deusto has over 10.000 students enrolled in more than 25 degree courses and 100 postgraduate courses.

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