Посты с тэгом: adidas

A Journey of Rediscovery: How Adidas Uses the Past to Innovate

Published date: October 5, 2015 в 4:00 am

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How does a company cope with change? It’s a question that looms large for many executives who are struggling to keep up with the breakneck pace of business. Those who fail to answer it may face loss of market share, or, in extreme cases, financial ruin. All too often, companies respond to these pressures by fixating on the future, not realizing that their greatest strength could be hidden in their past.
In the case of Adidas, founded in 1924 managers, innovators, and designers pore over company history, discuss its relevance, and determine what to discard and what to keep. In a process full of both continuity and change, they reach back to the lessons of the past and stretch forward to adapt to the changing needs of athletes and consumers. The results speak for themselves: Adidas has transformed itself from a consistent loss maker in the late 1980s and early 1990s to a brand with a market cap of US$17.1 billion.
In 1989, with the company at a crossroads, then CEO René Jäggi decided to invite two ex-Nike managers, Peter Moore and Rob Strasser, to visit Adidas. Moore had been creative director of Nike and the designer of the Air Jordan brand, and Strasser had been Nike’s marketing director.
Moore and Strasser believed that over the years since company founder Adi Dassler’s death in 1978, Adidas had lost confidence. Consequently, instead of looking to its own capabilities, the company was foundering and looking over its shoulder at Reebok (a brand that Adidas would acquire in 2005) and Nike. This, Moore and Strasser believed, was a mistake. A brand like Adidas had to lead, not chase. Free of cultural blinders, Moore and Strasser used the marketing skills they had developed at Nike to draw selectively from Adidas’s history. Initially as consultants and then as the creative director and CEO of Adidas America, respectively, they defined a new strategy and approach to innovation that guides the company to this day.
In looking to Adidas’s past, Moore and Strasser recognized two unique capabilities. First, they saw that the core of the company had been Adi Dassler’s hands-on approach to innovation — his philosophy of industrialized craftsmanship. Dassler’s closeness to athletes and his intimate understanding of their needs had created a stream of innovative products that enhanced athletic performance. When the company lost its connection to athletes, quality suffered.
Moore and Strasser recommended renewing Dassler’s approach, and developed a new product line called Adidas Equipment. For Equipment, which was launched in 1991 and later evolved into Adidas Performance, Moore and Strasser created branding rules that emphasized product quality. For example, they placed restrictions on the color, sizing, and placement of the logo, and initially even on the colors of the shoes themselves. They wanted consumers to focus on the quality of the shoe, and not be distracted by other features. They wanted to make the product the hero, just as Dassler would have done. “The idea of Equipment was that it was a model that you could build the whole company around,” Moore told us. “The model was to go back to what Dassler had tried to do all his life, which was to make the best products for the athlete to compete in.” Reconnecting in this way was emotionally uplifting — especially for those who had worked with Dassler — and helped restore employees’ confidence. Today, Performance represents the core of the Adidas brand and accounts for more than 75 percent of its sales.
Second, Moore and Strasser understood that Adi Dassler’s approach to design, which emphasized functionality over style, had created a portfolio of timeless, authentic shoe designs. The shoes were no longer cutting-edge in terms of their athletic performance (the technology had moved on), but they had a strong emotional appeal, especially in the burgeoning street-wear market epitomized by the Adidas-wearing hip-hop group Run DMC and its fans.
Adidas had struggled to create a leisurewear line, but it seemed the company unknowingly already had one. In a brief memo to the Adidas board, Moore set out the idea for a new brand of street-wear shoes. The suggestion was to take some key models from the past and modernize the quality, comfort, and fit. Rather than blurring the clarity of Equipment, Adidas recognized that this new line should have a separate name, “Originals,” and a distinctive presentation. As a testament to the success of the approach, Originals is now a $2.8 billion business. All of the shoes selected for updating at the launch of the initiative are still produced today, including the Stan Smith tennis shoe, 60 million pairs of which have been sold.
Although Adidas looks to its past, it doesn’t live in it. Adidas is not simply a retro brand reworking old models. Rather, it uses its capabilities alongside insights into consumer behavior to create contemporary and innovative products. Embracing its history doesn’t mean being limited by it. It means being innovative in ways that are in line with the capabilities that were developed from the beginning.
It’s an important lesson for companies facing rising competition and uncertainty, and wondering how to distinguish their brand. The answer may be hiding in plain sight. Look beneath the surface to uncover the deeper insights that have driven innovative thinking before, and then think about how to integrate them into the company’s strategies. As Dassler himself once wrote, “Come to work every day as if it were the first time. This will prevent you being blinded by routine.” The past should be a source of inspiration, not constraint. It should be used selectively when it has the potential to add value.
See also “The History Behind Adidas’s Success – In Pictures” for a visual look into Adidas’s past.
Adapted and reprinted with permission from “How Adidas Found Its Second Wind” by Nicholas Ind, Oriol Iglesias, and Majken Schultz from the Autumn 2015 issue of strategy+business. © 2015 PwC. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity. Please see www.pwc.com/structure for further details. www.strategy-business.com
Author Profiles:

  • Nicholas Ind is an associate professor at Oslo School of Management.
  • Oriol Iglesias is an associate professor at ESADE Business School in Barcelona, and director of the ESADE Brand Institute.
  • Majken Schultz is a professor at Copenhagen Business School.

The LAB: Innovating Athletic Shoes with S.I.T. (December 2010)

Published date: December 27, 2010 в 3:00 am

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 The athletic footwear market is maturing, so it will need sustained innovation to keep growing.  “Performance footwear” emerged with the ancient Greeks and has since grown to a $50 billion global industry.  Innovations such as vulcanized rubber, high tops, arch support, specialized functions, endorsements, and branding have kept the industry vibrant and growing, especially for the dominant three players: Nike, Adidas, and Reebok.  Now it’s crunch time!

For this month’s LAB, we will use the corporate innovation method, S.I.T., to create new athletic shoe concepts.  The method works by taking one of the five patterns (subtraction, task unification, division, multiplication, and attribute dependency) and applying it to an existing product or service.  This morphs it into a “virtual product,” which is an abstract, ambiguous notion with no clear purpose.  We then work backwards (Function Follows Form) to find new and useful benefits or markets for the virtual product.
Here are five innovations created by graduate students at the University of Cincinnati as part of their graded requirements in the innovation tools course.
Feet Heat 1.  FEET HEAT:  Insole of the shoe heats up and keeps the feet of the athlete warm even in extreme conditions. A battery in the sole provides power to a metal plate-heater. Shoe can be connected to regular power-outlets and recharged within minutes.  (SIT TOOL: task unification – assigning an additional job to an existing resource)
2.  COLOR EX: The color of the fabric changes according to the physiological signs of the athlete (heart rate, lactic acid level).  Different colors are designated to different levels of exertion/intensity that the athlete’s body has been enduring.  Color EX Benefits: allows athletes to see whether they need to work harder or slower.  Helps athletes train within a specific performance range.  Also alerts coaches, trainers, and teammates as to how hard the athlete is really working. (SIT TOOL:  attribute dependency – one  feature of the product changes as another feature of the product or the environment changes)
3.  SMART SOLE:  The surface of the sole adjusts to the type or conditions of the ground to improve performance.  As ground conditions change (example:  hard wood floor, gravel, wet cement, rocky terrain, grass), the thickness, stickiness, and durometer of the sole adjusts to optimal configurations for that surface.  Benefit:  allows athletes in sports that cross over different surfaces to perform better.  (SIT TOOL: attribute dependency – one feature of the product changes as another feature of the product or the environment changes)

Strength pro 4.  STRENGTH PRO:  Holes in the soles allow athletes to add various sized weights to the shoe. Weights can be exchanged or completely removed.  Training device to increase stamina, speed, endurance, strength, and vertical leaps. Weight is easily removed so that the shoe can be used regularly (same shoe for practice and competition). Weights can be quickly increased or decreased based on workout purpose and individual needs.  (SIT TOOL: task unification – assigning an additional job to an existing resource)

5.  INVERTED SPIKES:  The spikes of the shoe are inverted into the bottom into the athletes foot.  The spikes are softned and dulled so as to provide a message therapy as the athlete moves.  Benefit:  improves foot circulation, endurance, and comfort.  (SIT TOOL:  multiplication – copying a component and changing it in some way such as size, location, etc)

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