Посты с тэгом: computers

Automated Innovation

Published date: August 4, 2009 в 7:40 am

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“To avoid the fate of alchemists, it is time we asked where we stand.  Now, before we invest more time and money on the information-processing level, we should ask whether the protocols of human subjects and the programs so far produced suggest that computer language is appropriate for analyzing human behavior:  Is an exhaustive analysis of human reason into rule-governed operations on discrete, determinate, context-free elements possible?  Is an approximation to this goal of artificial reason even probable?  The answer to both these questions appears to be, No.”

Hubert L. Dreyfus
“What Computers Can’t Do:  The Limits of Artificial Intelligence”

This chilling conclusion about the fate of artificial intelligence seems to put an end to the idea that we can automate innovation.  Since this book was first published in 1972, not much has changed, and the  field of artificial intelligence seems to be in decline.

For a machine to innovate, it would need to:

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